A Quick Bit: 2012…The Idyssey

Sometimes there are experiences that bond people together like the act of sharing of an epic poem that has been passed down through the ages. That poem being Homer’s Odyssey. Thought to have been written in the 8th century BC and first translated into English in 1616. This story has helped mold the ideology of the western world and also inspired photographer Stefano Deluigi to travel the  Aegean seas. He traced the voyage of Odysseus and captured the journey through an iphone and the filter app Hipstimatic.

Although this project may sound more like a lengthy study abroad trip than a gallery worthy exhibit he did manage to capture the true essence of the Grecian experience. A film compiling the work shows the loving portrait he painted of the formidable mass of the sea.

Stefano DeLuigi

Within the film the epic is read in the mother tongue which adds a genuine depth and nationalistic realism to the grainy black & white film juxtaposed with colored photos with a nod to vintage style. The eclectic use of sound effects and religious chanting worked to create a feeling of bare bones cohesion.

Obviously the entire Odyssey could not be read but a selection of Homer’s own words, “A formidable goddess with a mortal woman’s voice”, seemed to speak of the artistic ability to channel divine artistic vision through the technology of a phone.

Stefano used these man made tools to tell his story and create a shared experience similar to that of reading the original work. In his own words “In contemporary society, the digital revolution has drastically changed the transmission of knowledge and information. Everyone can now be a storyteller”.

Check more of his work : http://www.stefanodeluigi.com

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